Lockdown Activities for All Equestrians

person with horse

Our top tips for keeping busy when competing is off the cards.

As we all know, strict measures are now in place due to Covid-19 and sadly, being with our horsey friends or spending time doing our normal horsey activities may be limited or completely banned.

Even so, we all still have the duty to care for our horses – this not only falls as essential travel but also a perfect form of exercise. So, this is a great opportunity to focus some time on your horse’s condition and wellbeing!

Here a few ideas to use your time wisely for both horse and rider:

1. Look after your boots and tack!

Cleaning your most used equipment not only helps lengthen the lifetime, but also helps to keep the best condition. If it is not being used, it can dry out, or if you find (especially this time of the year) the tack room gets a little damp, it can go mouldy.

Top Tip: Always make sure your leather is clean before you apply any leather conditioner or oil. And try to keep your boots in a boot bag, this will help prevent any damage or mould.

2. Update your grooming kit!

With all this time, it is a great task to replace some of the old, perhaps broken and replace with new, clean equipment! Of course, we understand most of us are trying to save our pennies for the day we can compete again, but these brushes are at incredibly affordable prices! These will give your grooming kit the colourful, update it has been needing…either mix and match, or go full matchy-matchy mode!

Top Tip: Make sure to clean your brushes regularly to stop any grime build-up. It is especially important to keep your brushes clean if your horse has a skin condition like rain scald.

3. Check and organise your horse’s rugs and accessories!

We know this is a tiresome and time-consuming task, but you will feel great once completed! Perhaps take this time to store and organise your Summer sheets by folding them away in a Weatherbeeta spare rug bags? Ensure to check all fastenings and straps are in good condition and safe for your horse. We also suggest ensuring your horse is prepared for the change of season, perhaps some new field boots or even a fly mask to be geared up for Spring!

Top Tip: Always check your horse is not getting any shoulder rubs and use a shoulder guard or cover to help prevent this!

Written by Becky Mead


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